Thursday, February 23

studies are getting worse and worse. the last physics test killed me. i duno what i was writing abt. it was abt the ac generator thinger. duno if can pass lol.

hmmm these few days went really bad. need to go out to destress.

im going overseas in one week or so. dont feel like going. she bu de my parents and dan.

kk i gtg. tah.

michi ]|[ 17:32

Friday, February 10

friday - 10/2/06

haha today so fun. lol.

went for the collection of O level results. met sher and angel. lol. they did very well. i hope i'll do as well this year. gotta study alr.

tmr going to watch i not stupid too. at tampines -_- lol. been dying to watch that show cuz everyone who's watched it says its really nice. hmmm. forgot to bring back books. cant study. bleh.

den play games on com haha. tt was the most fun. lol.

michi ]|[ 23:05

Saturday, February 4

saturday - 4/2/06

its already feb! omigosh im starting to feel O level stress. i guess its good la so i wun be waiting till last min to start studying. i nid more discipline though. gotta find a good study buddy.

anyway, didnt update much anymore because im either busy with school, studying, playing maple or there's simply nothing worth talking about. well, today was by far one of the best days of this year.

at first, i woke up at 6:30, which was very refreshing, to go down to changi. crazy right? i had photocopied some of my school notes for daniel and since he was going to the airport, i thought i'd meet him there to pass him the papers and at the same time study for my math test.

it was fun. stayed at mac and did angle properties, after which we went to walk ard. i was supposed to be at jurong east station with gab and jeffrey at 12 so we could walk over to shumei's house. but in the end i realised i was running late. come on, from changi to jurong east! the journey was exhausting.

yeah went to dover to wait for jeffrey since it was on the way and gab was late cuz she nided to meet kris for smth. mei told me how to get to her place and soon we were in her parents' room using the computer.

it was this new year thing. she could bring her friends cuz her cousins were too. played maple haha, den when we realised her relatives were downstairs playing blackjack, jeffrey wanted to try it out. he won like fifty bucks. the second round he played he lost like ten to twenty. we were playing mahjong haha with a miniature set. and when i say miniature, i mean miniture. and we played on the floor. goodness. wasnt comfortable at all. jeffrey had to leave cuz he had service to go to.

gab didnt look like she was enjoying herself tho and she left early, like 4 plus. but i had fun all the same with mei. i was a little bored at first cuz i was just looking at mei play maple, but afterwards i played awhile, then went to mei's room to talk.

talked to our hearts content and realised that we were missing each other badly now that we're of different classes. shared with her laods of things and she told me stuff too. i remember last year, when i just dropped to N(A). xiufeng and bell actually left an empty seat beside them for me in their classes even though im not with them anymore. broke my heart when i heard.

but i guess you gotta deal with it and move on.

i left ard 9:15 at night. my dad came to pick me up. and well.. about chiangmai.. maybe im going by myself. mei may not be going. see, her mom isnt willing to pay $750, cuz at first we could use edusave, but there wasnt time to withdraw for everyone. what a pity! if not, i'll only have to pay $26 for thailand! i got like $800 in my acct.

im praying she can go. since we cant spend time tgt in school, 6 days with her is a big deal for me. and we get to do a good deed.

michi ]|[ 22:11